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About the Canadian Space Society

Founded in 1983, the Canadian Space Society (CSS) has been a federally-incorporated non-profit organization and charity. With many of Canada’s top space professionals on board, the CSS is made up of enthusiasts of all backgrounds pursuing the exploration and development of the Solar System and beyond.

Inspired by the old L5 Society and other space-activist groups, its principal objective is to sponsor and promote the involvement of Canadians in the space sector, through its technical and outreach projects including regular chapter meetings, the annual Canadian Space Summit and more.

The CSS wishes to grow in cooperation, rather than in competition, with other space development organizations (such as the National Space Society and the British Interplanetary Society), while meeting a real need for an effective Canadian space advocacy group.

Our Mission



We inform our membership and the public about Canada’s activities in space within the context of the broader international community


We educate on space exploration, discovery, innovation and its values.


We engage our members through space related projects, activities, and networking opportunities.


We shape space policy, representing our membership and the public through activities that bring together members of government, academia, and business.

Our Vision

To lead Canada in the effective cooperation between industry, government, academia, advocacy groups, and the public for the advancement of space endeavours.

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